গবেষক হতে চাই-সকল সংবাদশিল্প ও সাহিত্য

Young researchers’ icon, Sabir embarked at top-ranked KFUPM for Ph.D.!

The icon of the young researchers of Bangladesh, initiator of গবেষক হতে চাই :: Be Researcher BD (BRBD) platform, Md. Sabir Hossain has recently moved to one of the world’s best institutes, KFUPM for PhD. He joined the Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET) as a Lecturer after completing his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) with distinction. A few years later, he was appointed as Assistant Professor. He has authored more than 30 research articles published in international conferences and journals. His research interest includes algorithmic complexity analysis, machine learning, recommendation system design, computer vision, augmented reality, and cybersecurity.

Md. Sabir Hossain has received a High International Scholarship (Fully-funded) from the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). KFUPM is ranked 160 among the world’s universities according to the QS ranking (2022 records) [1]. Moreover, The university was ranked 3rd globally, by the American National Academy of Inventors, among the top 100 worldwide universities for granting US Utility Patents in 2022 [2]. Stanford University has recently released a list of the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines [3]. The exhaustive list has 186,177 researchers, of which 81 conducted research at KFUPM. You can find out more about KFUPM at Wikipedia [4]. He said, “For getting world-class study and research facilities with an Islamic environment, KFUPM is one of the best options” He wrote in his social media account, “There is no tension about eating and drinking, staying and wearing. Pressure is only for study and research. Before stepping into the best international quality university in Saudi Arabia, no one can feel what it is made of. Alhamdulillah.” To learn about the scholarships and facilities provided by KFUPM, visit their website [5-6].

Md. Sabir Hossain is an editorial board member and reviewer of many international journals. Recently, he has been selected as an Editor of the Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, indexed in Web of Science and SCOPUS, officially supported by Yildiz Technical University, Turkey. He has also been listed as an international advisory board member of SUSCOM-2021, 2022,2023 He has served as organizing secretary of an international co-located event of BIM-2021 titled “ML Idea Competition”. Recently, has been selected as Publicity chair of the Second International Conference on Forthcoming Networks and Sustainability in the AIoT Era, Istanbul, Turkey. He has also been selected as the National Mentor of the UNIBATOR program which was jointly initiated by Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority & Institutions of Engineers, Bangladesh. He was invited to numerous webinars/seminars by different institutions on research and higher study. He has also conducted the county’s 1st free online training on research methodology named ‘How to Become a Researcher?’. Lectures on YouTube [https://tinyurl.com/howtobecomearesearcher] received more than 75K views within a short time. Additionally, he has mentored a few important free online courses titled ‘Python for Research (Multidisciplinary)’, ‘MATLAB for Research’, ‘GIS for Research (Ongoing) at the BRBD platform for learners from any discipline.

He is a young researcher, trying to create a research environment in higher institutions by BRBD platform. This platform has now about 60 thousand members including their website, Facebook group, page, YouTube, and LinkedIn. More than 500 lectures are available on the BRBD YouTube channel on research, paper writing, publication, and higher study (https://www.youtube.com/@BeResearcherBD). His efforts to promote and engage undergraduate students in research have been featured in many national dailies [7-9]. Recently, his story was included in a book titled ‘হার না মানা ১০০ তরুণের গল্প [Story of 100 young who never give up] [10]’. Visit Research Gate’s profile to know more about his research: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md-Sabir-Hossain.

[01] King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, http://www.kfupm.edu.sa/
[03] Baas, Jeroen; Boyack, Kevin; Ioannidis, John P. A. (19 October 2021). “August 2021 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”. 3. Elsevier BV. doi:10.17632/btchxktzyw.3 – via elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com.
[04] King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. (2023, August 24). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/…/King_Fahd_University_of…
[07] BRBD: A unique platform for young researchers, https://www.thelibrariantimes.com/…/brbd-a-unique…/
[08] ‘Be Researcher BD (BRBD)’ guides freshers in research [গবেষণায় নবীনদের পথ দেখাচ্ছে ‘গবেষক হতে চাই’], https://thedailycampus.com/…/%E0%A6%97%E0%A6%AC%E0%A7…
[09] CUET teacher’s unique initiative to enrich the country’s research sector [দেশের গবেষণা খাতকে সমৃদ্ধ করতে চুয়েট শিক্ষকের অনন্য উদ্যোগ]: https://campus.engineersdiarybd.com/…/cuet-teacher…/
[10] Different efforts of CUET teacher in research and knowledge practice [গবেষণা ও জ্ঞান চর্চায় চুয়েট শিক্ষকের ভিন্ন প্রচেষ্টা], https://www.daily-bangladesh.com/education/165525

[11] হার না মানা ১০০ তরুণের গল্প (হার্ডকভার), মাহবুব নাহিদ, Book Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/213210/har-na-mana-100-toruner-golpo

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